Services | Artwork & Print
Artwork & Print
We have been artworking
for print since 1992 & have
immense hands-on experience
of the print industry.
Back in the 90’s our first roles were in printing factories, small low budget outfits that required staff to be
able to do everything from creating job bags, artworking, running of film, platemaking PMT camera operation,
hand finishing, guillotining, collating both by hand & with machinery, letterpress & bookbinding, numbering
& perforating. Not to mention invoicing & dare I say even debt collection. Those days were very much a time
of learning, a culture of if it doesn't work, find a way to make it work. A problem-solving ethos that stays with us
to this day. It was also a time of booking 30mins on the one & only mac in the studio to run out the black&
white artwork oversized to be reduced on the PMT camera for paste-up to artboards of which plates were
shot from.
Later as technology improved artwork preparation shifted from handcrafted works of art to straight to film
separations & then straight to plate & now we are more often than not working on digital presses all of which
had to be learnt on the job.
Our knowledge of the printing industry allows us to talk to printers with a level of understanding that surpasses
the general design studio know how. Our clients find the interaction to be beneficialwhen problem-solving a specific issue before it even reaches press. We are capable of makingalternative suggestions to work around a production problem & due to our design background able to offer guidance early on in the design stage. Our artwork standards have been implemented & adopted by many companies over the years,more so as time goes by due to the fall off of fully trained production teams.
Our service
The service we provide is comprehensive, we can work up a simple business card to a complex piece of packaging artwork with multiple specials, foils, embossings & debossing's. There is nothing in the world of artworking that we haven't seen or done & if there was something that we had never come across we would find a way to make it work if it was at all achievable.
One of the things you will find beneficial about our service is that we do not work standard hours. If you come to us & say we need a job created overnight, chances are we will do it for you if we can fit you in. Obviously, this service comes at a premium however you know that what you get with us is complete reliability & quality.
We offer you an artwork service second to none, at reasonable rates & with a friendly smile, we are always on time, always on budget & are straight talking no nonsense kind of people which I think is all any of us want with any service.
We often get asked can you artwork for Digital?. This always makes us chuckle, because if you can artwork a piece of artwork for litho then digital can be done with closed eyes. We artwork anything from logo libraries & icons, stationery, vinyl graphics, large format print, embossing & debossing plates, huge advertising billboards, infact anything you want artworking we can do. If your unsure just call us.
If you are in need of a little extra help in achieving your creative goals,
need some advice or simply need to offload a project you have no
internal resource for then get in contact today.