Portfolio | Artwork | Seven Brands | Elbbin & Nibble
Elbbin & Nibble
Crisp packet development.
Seven Brands called us in for us to help them further develop their design concept for Elbbin & Nibble's crisps
(The Walkers of Africa!). They had come up with three routes which needed a production specialist to produce tests & artworks, a skill they did not have inhouse to the level required for such an undertaking.
We took the supplier's cutter guides & developed them into an artwork template in order to be able to make an efficient workflow. We put into effect some spreadsheets with the help of Seven's team so we could easily keep abreast of the amount of work that was going to be undertaken & we began work.
Our first task was to create all the illustrations for the various crisps shapes & flavours, this job had been started by an illustrator originally but we were given the responsibility of completing the work. We used photographs of the items & carried out various effects in Photoshop in order to make the items look hand drawn. Colour correction was undertaken & consistency was checked throughout the entire range.
Our next phase of work consisted of testing all the colours that had been chosen by way of compiling certain graphical elements in the chosen colourways & supplying them to the client's printer to be produced as a test on the foil material in order to get a good look at how the inks reacted with the substrate & if the colours were vibrant enough etc.
Once the client & we were happy with the outcome of the multiple test phases we progressed with some of the other key elements that needed addressing like the recreation of key graphic elements that needed some TLC from the design phase to artwork deliverable. Next up was building the first tranche of artworks using the template we created, then sign off & delivery, all of which went smoothly on budget & on time.
If you are in need of a little extra help in achieving your creative goals,
need some advice or simply need to offload a project you have no
internal resource for then get in contact today.
Elbbin & Nibble
The Taste Makers
One nibble is never enough
