Portfolio | Design | Trillium Brands | Cutting Edge Interiors
Cutting Edge Interiors
Cutting Edge Interiors, formerly Cutting Edge Home Improvements asked us to look at re-branding them, as their focus was moving away from general building work, to a more bespoke cabinetry company. We initially worked with the client on deciding the right name and we decided ‘Interiors’ allowed scope for a variety of items and therefore not limiting them to one area within the industry. The focus being on bespoke items.
The logo itself was designed using the ‘c’ and ‘e’ in combination and chopping a chunk out of the shape to form the letter ‘c’ in alignment with the ‘e’ making it look like it had been cut. We further extended this idea into the wording by breaking through the ‘edge’ portion of the logo. I went on to visualise how the logo would look on items that the company would be using, particularly the van.
Stationery was designed and artworks issued. We further emphasised the cutting aspect of the logo by using
a debossed reverse on the business card giving the logo an edge so to speak. We also did a whole round of work visualising applications such as uniforms etc to bring the brand to life.
If you require our design and branding services then please visit or sister company
Trillium Brands for more info or simply just ask us and we will be happy to help.
Cutting Edge Interiors
How it could look
