Portfolio | Design | Trillium Brands | Salisbury SEO
Salisbury SEO
Salisbury SEO is a startup company, who asked us if we would brand them. We began the process of developing the logo & came up with a crop circle theme. The reason for this was due to the geographical location of Wiltshire & its connection with such phenomenon firstly, & secondly, we liked the idea of something mystical & unexplained, as it seemed to fit with SEO.
The logo itself took on an almost alien persona & we started to develop the character that was to
be used on the website.
The Website itself was developed with some interesting features. We worked closely with the web developer on some ideas & we came up with a parallax header. This consisted of 4 layers essentially that moved at differing rates on mouse over, giving the effect of movement & depth. The scene was a typical Wiltshire view. We also developed sprites that would animate & bring the header to life even further, namely an alien sitting in a Jetson styled spacecraft who drifted down & produced a crop circle in the shape of the logo then flew off again. Plus some markers indicating different local businesses & even some leaves in autumn that blew across the screen.
If you require our design and branding services then please visit or sister company
Trillium Brands for more info or simply just ask us and we will be happy to help.
Salisbury SEO
How stationery may look
